“A comfort zone is a familiar place, but nothing ever grows there.”
A comfort zone can occur or coincide on any or all levels mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In this state, a person is usually content, everything feels familiar and safe, and a person is in control of their environment, experiencing little to no stress, with a steady level of constant satisfaction. I always know when I’m in a comfort zone because, during that time frame, life pretty much stays the same. I know what to expect each day because I know my thought patterns, daily routines, habits, choices, and all the comfortable emotions that come with it. The beginning stage of a comfort zone can cause me so much contentment that thinking of changing things up is never an option. However, as time goes on and I get caught up in my comfort zone, I find myself getting bored. Life becomes stagnant. I start feeling like I’m missing out on life because I’m making choices that leave me doing and experiencing the same things every day. This content living and comfortable space can feel good for the time being, but being stuck in a comfort zone limits expansion and growth. Nothing changes; if nothing changes, we cannot experience our full potential by keeping ourselves limited to living in a way that doesn’t allow us to grow and experience more from life. A comfort zone is where we don’t take risks or actions because we feel satisfied with how things are going and where we are in life, but this could be led by fear of change or the unknown. Being in our comfort zone happens a lot throughout our lives but being comfortable for too long will most likely always lead to feeling as if you’re living a life that’s not moving forward. The beautiful thing about a comfort zone is you can shift yourself out of it whenever you choose to.
Here are three steps to take when you’re ready to shift out of your comfort zone.
1. MINDSET: Everything starts with our mind and way of thinking. When wanting to shift out of a comfort zone, the first step is acknowledging and becoming aware that you’re in one. Once we realize we are in a comfort zone, we can then decide it’s time to make a change.
2. MAKE PLANS AND CREATE GOALS: When you decide to shift out of a comfort zone, you will then open up space in your life. You will have time to do other things, which is why making plans and creating goals is a must. You will need to fill that newly available space up with more beneficial things to do to not fall back into the same routine and old ways of being, putting you back into your comfort zone.
3. TAKE ACTION: Once you have made plans and created new goals, it’s time to put them into action. Begin to take the steps necessary to move forward. Once you start taking steps toward a new way of living, you will set yourself up with new habits. These habits will lead to expansion and growth and help you move away from any comfort zones that have been holding you back from fully expressing yourself and living life to your fullest potential.