1. Becoming aware /deciding to change. We cannot heal what we do not first acknowledge. The first step to becoming the best version of yourself is becoming aware of what needs to be fixed, healed, changed, or let go of. It could be a trigger, an outdated mindset, or beliefs, childhood trauma, a toxic partnership, bad habits, or an overall negative way of responding to people all the time. Whatever the issue is, understand this is only an aspect of yourself, a part of who you are, at this moment. Because it is trauma that can be healed or an issue that can be changed for the better, it is not your authentic self or the best version of yourself. When we decide to choose self-love, heal, change, do better, or be better, that’s when we begin to start taking the steps to become a better version of ourselves.
2. Going within / healing /redirecting. The second step after becoming aware of what needs to change is to take some time to focus on and see where the root of the problem comes from. During this process, solitude, and disconnecting from the world and all that’s around us become our main priority. A lot of our negative aspects come from what we experienced during our childhood. That makes going within and focusing on those in-depth issues painful, which causes us to want to be alone. Going through such a profound awareness, wanting to change, and feeling the pain that surfaces can be a very hard process. Although hard, this process is necessary to heal by releasing those emotions that are attached to the experience, pain, and wounding. Once healing has taken place, we can then begin to redirect within the space of that issue that has now been healed.
3. Take action / live life from the new version of you. Rather it’s now thinking with a more positive mindset, replacing those bad habits with healthy habits, or no longer being involved in a toxic partnership or connection, taking action is the third step to becoming a better version of yourself. Once we get to a place of healing our trauma or choosing what’s best for ourselves we can then show up as a much more healed and balanced person. We are no longer triggered or negatively acting out from our unhealed wounding or unhealthy habits. We can then face the world with more inner peace, wholeness, compassion, and less judgment because we now understand on a personal level the healing process and what it takes to heal our wounds and change those negative ways of being.
NOTE: Becoming our best version is a process. It can take years and even a lifetime to become a better version of yourself. Everyone’s journey is different, and so is the time frame. Always remember, it’s not about the destination, but the journey along the way. The same goes for our healing. Accept all parts of yourself, even the negative parts that you want to change as you go through your process. You have to accept all parts of yourself, the good and the bad, to fully be able to become your best version. Be gentle and patient with yourself, and never compare your growth and healing to someone else’s. The life lessons and experiences it takes for someone else to go through to become a better version of themselves may not be what you have to go through to be a better version of yourself. Always trust your journey.