It’s been three years since I wrote my last blog. Of course, in that long amount of time, I have done a lot of evolving, transitioning, growing, healing, and learning within my life. A lot of times in life we start down a path and forget along the way there will be lots of unexpected turns and twists. Three years ago, I had no clue that I would be guided to apply to an online Holistic Learning Center and complete the program as a certified Spiritual Life Coach. I had no clue that I still had so much pain and hurt inside, rather from old emotional wounds or childhood issues, that needed to resurface for me to become aware of and start the healing process. In these last three years, I had no clue of the number of beautiful moments and blessings that I was going to receive as I stayed true to my spiritual journey and awakened to becoming the best version of myself.
Within these last three years, I released so many things on all levels and in all areas of my life that have made me realize how much more authentic I needed to be and have become. Within these last three years, the amount of growth and evolving that I have done on a spiritual level has shown me how being on a journey to authenticity is a lifelong journey and process. In these last three years, I have grown to learn how to release fears quickly, how to manifest the steps and actions to make my dreams and desires come true, and how to stay true to who I am and understand that I am a co-creator of my life. In these last three years, I’ve become much more intuitive and received much more clarity about the path of my life and how to go about creating the life that I want to experience and live. Within these last three years, I’ve become even more compassionate with so much unconditional love for myself and others. I also became aware that becoming the authentic version of myself will not only help my soul’s growth, but I can help others as well. In these last three years, I have become who I needed to be at this present moment, TODAY, to continue becoming the best version of myself three years from now.