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Go with the FLOW...

In this short blog, I wanted to speak about where I am personally on my spiritual journey and awakening process. Throughout my awakening journey thus far, I have come to a place of surrender many times to allow what needed to take place in my life to continue to grow and learn. At this present moment, I have reached a certain point of total acceptance, a form of transcendence. A place where I no longer react to the outcomes or circumstances that are going on around me and in my life. A place of total detachment from expectations. A place of peace, trust, and knowing that all is well, and everything will work out for my highest good. I’ve reached a point of non-resistance when it comes to the way my life began to unfold. Most of the time some circumstances come about that I have no control over and then there are times when the decisions that I make create circumstances to arise. Either way, you look at it, it’s all part of my journey and life experience. I’ve come to a point of understanding that no matter what the outcome of a situation may look like, I can always find a blessing within that outcome.

I've also come to understand that the less control and expectations I have when it comes to situations in my life, the less disappointment I experience. When I expect things to turn out a certain way and in the time frame that I want it to happen I begin to get disappointed and frustrated when it doesn’t happen the way I thought it would. I realize that when I project my expectations out into the Universe, I’m not only blocking the flow of energy but I’m also limiting myself to only one way of receiving the outcome of a situation. When I detach from the outcome of how I think things should happen and let go of control that’s when life begins to unfold naturally in more ways than I could ever imagine. As I reach this place of acceptance, I find inner peace within myself first which then manifests on the outside all around me. I am on this journey of growth and when I reach that total place of acceptance, peace and trust will flow and transcendence will begin to triumph over my circumstances every time.



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